ATARIWRITER+ DOCS BY...THE TALE WEAVER When the main menu is displayed, take a minute to look over the options available. the first character of each option is highlighted. You select a menu option by pressing hte first character of it's name on your computer keyboard. the following is a short description of the main menu options. CREATE FILE: starts a new test file EDIT FILE: allows you to revise a file VERIFY SPELLING: loads Atari proofreader PRINT FILE: prints a text file MAIL MERGE: loads mail merge 1 INDEX DRIVE 1 : lists files on disk in drive #1 2 INDEX DRIVE 2 : lists files on disk in drive #2 LOAD FILE: loads file from diskette SAVE FILE: saves file to diskette DELETE FILE: erase a file from disk FORMAT DISK: formats a diskette Once you load Atariwriter+ the program remains in memory until you switch off the power. WHen you remove the Atariwriter+ program disk from your drive, all the main menu options remain available except VERIFY SPELLING and MAIL MERGE, both of which require that you first insert the program diskette in your drive. MESSAGE WINDOW Questions, prompts, error messages, and other information are displayed in the message window at the bottom of your screen. Many of the questions will require a Yes or No response. You may respond by pressing Y or N. Pressing RETURN alone or any key other than a Y will be interpreted as NO. Other prompts require that you type in a filename, words, or numbers. TAB STOPS The default settings are indicated by eight arrows near the bottom of the screen. LEAVING THE PROGRAM While working with Atariwriter+, you can return to the main menu at any time by pressing the ESC key, located in the upper-left corner of your keyboard. Pressing reset while working with Atariwriter+ resets the program, first displaying the title screen then taking you to the main menu. However, any text currently in your computer'S memory WILL be retained. IMPORTANT....No text is ever erased from the memory unless you explicitly instruct the program to erase it, or you switch the computer off. KEYSTROKE COMMANDS: Many commands in Atariwriter+ require keystroke COMBINATIONS. For instance, the manual will instruct you to press "CONTROL P" or press "SELECT T". To execute these commands, hold dowm the first key while typing the second. RETURN: With Atariwriter+ you don't use the return on the keyboard as you would on a conventional typewriter. When you'Re typing in a word that overflows the right margin of your screen, the program automatically moves the cursor--and the word--to the beginning of the next screen line. Use the retun key at the end of wach paragraph or at the end of a line you want to stand alone. You should also use the return key when you want to insert blank lines within the text. PARAGRAPHS To mark the beginning of a paragraph, press "CONTROL P". The progt>ram automatically instructs your printer to indent that line during printing. you do not have to separate paragraphs with a return. The program automatically spaces between successive paragraphs when printing, provided you ve marked your paragraphs with "CONTROL P". When you press "CONTROL P" CHANGING NUMBER OF COLUMNS By default, Atariwriter+ displays 38 characters across one screen line. The change number of columns command allows you to increase or decrease the number of characters displayed across one screen line before the program wraps a word to the next screen line. When the text screen is displayed and the cursor is at the TOP of your file, press "OPTION C". The program asks you HOW MANY COLUMS. Type the number of colums you wish and press RETURN. The program can display from 5 to 249 columns, so these are the minimum and maximum numbers you can type in. your computer, of course, cannot display more than 40 columns on screen at any one time. As you type in text the program will move the old text out of sight as you type. Use your cursor controls to move across to, and back from, the undisplayed columns. UPPER AND LOWERCASE CHARACTERS the program's default text entry mode is LOWERCASE, as indicated in the message window. To enter a single UPPERCASE character, hold down the shift key while typing the character - just like a conventional typewriter. If you want ONLY uppercase characters, press "CAPS" (or "SHIFT CAPS" on the 800); the message window displays UPPERCASE. With Atariwriter+ you can also change letters that you've already entered form lower- to uppercase or vice versa. To d this, position the cursor on the letter you want to change and press "CONTROL CAPS". EDITING A FILE Once you have created a file, you can go back and fix any typos that have been made. If already back at the main menu, select EDIT FILE. Otherwise you can edit your file while still in the create file mode. You can also get to the text screen at any time by pressing the "BREAK" key. CURSOR MOVEMENT Pressing "SELECT T" will move your cursor to the top of your file; "SELECT B" moves you to the bottom of your text file. On the 130XE pressing "SELECT T" or "SELECT B" moves the cursor to the top and bottom, respectively, of the current memory bank. Use "CONTROL ARROW DOWN" or "CONTROL ARROW UP" to scroll line by line through what you'Ve typed. "CONTROL ARROW RIGHT" and "CONTROL ARROW LEFT" move the cursor to the right and left, respectively, on any given line. "SELECT ARROW RIGHT" and "SELECT ARROW LEFT" moves the cursor to the beginning of the next word to the left or right. "CONTROL A" moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line; "CONTROL Z" moves the cursor to the end of the current line. "TAB" moves the cursor to the next tab stop. You can also page through your text file, up or down. by pressing "OPTION ARROW UP" or "OPTION ARROW DOWN". DELETION To corrext a typo or replace a word or phrase, you first have to delete the misplaced or misspelled characters or words. To delete a character at a time, position the cursor over the character to be deleted and press "CONTROL BK SP". Continuing to press "CONTROL BK SP" deletes characters repeatedly. "DELETE/BK SP" when used alone also deletes one character at a time moving backward on the text line. "SHIFT DELETE/BK SP" deletes text from the cursor position to the end of the screen line. You may use "SHIFT INSERT" to restore the text if you've changed your mind. REPLACEMENT Atariwriter+ defualt edit mode is the INSERT MODE, as displayed in the message window. After deleting what you want, just type in your correction or change. The program automatically makes room for as muchwindow. After deleting what you want, just type in your correction or change. The program automatically makes room for as much new material that you want to add. You can switch from INSERT MODE to TYPE- OVER MODE by pressing "CONTROL INSERT". In type-over mode, the program does not make room for new material. Instead, the old text is replaced by the new as you type it in. PRINTING A FILE: Make sure that your pronter is turned on and on-line and that your interface module (if needed) is swithced on. PRess "ESC" to return to the main menu and select PRINT FILE. The program asks PRINT TO PRINTER Y/N? If this is the first time you've selected PRINT FILE since beginning your work session, typing Y gives you the printer selection menu, which is a list of printers. Enter the appropriate response, according to the pronter you have. If you have a pronter other than the Atari models listed, type H; if your pronter model does not appear on the next pronter selection screen, type O and refer to "CUSTOM PRINTER DRIVER". To halt printing at any time. press "ESC" or "BREAK". either of which returns you to the main menu. SAVING A FILE return to the Atariwriter+ main menu and select SAVE FILE. The program prompts you to enter the FILE TO SAVE. Type D1: or D": followed by a FILENAME for your file. The program will default to drive 1 if none is specified. If your file already had a filename associated with it, and you want to resave the file after revision, you can simply press "RETURN" to save the file without typing in the filename. SAVING LONG DOCUMENTS Anything that will more than fill your computer's memory must be created and saved in segments. with each segment assigned a different filename. This is where filename extenders come in handy. You can relate the various segments of a long piece of writing by giving them each a common filename, but assigning each segment a different extender. With the 130XE the program will save all three banks of memory as one (1) file. Unless your document is extraordinarily long. you will not normally have to break a file into smaller ones. INDEXING A FILE To view a diskettes index select either 1 for drive 1, or 2 for drive 2 depending on the drive you wish to index. Atariwriter+ displays a directory of every file on the diskette/ listed alphabetically by filename. DELETING A FILE Go to the Atariwriter+ main menu nad select DELETE FILE. The program prompts you to enter the FILE TO DELETE. Type D1: or D": followed by the filename for the file you wish to delete. FORMATTING DISKETTES In order to store your text files. diskettes must be formatted to Atari DOS 2.OS or 2.5, but you need not write DOS files on the diskettes. Insert the diskette you wnat to format in your disk drive (1 or 2 only) and select format disk from the main menu. The program then asks you to enter the FORMAT DRIVE #. Type in the drive number. If you have an Atari 1050 disk drive, the program automatically formats diskettes in the enhanced-density. HOW MUCH CAN YOU WRITE WITH ATARIWRITER+ The amount of text you can enter into your computer before it becomes full depends on how much free memory remains, and this in turn depends on how much RAM your computer is equipped with. With an atari 800, 800Xl, 1200XL, or 65XE computer, Atariwriter+ provides 12,645 bytes of memory for any given file, With the 130XE you are provided with three banks of memory. Each bank contains 15,872 bytes, for a total of over 47,600 bytes of available memory. When the message 0 BYTES FREE appears, you need only go to the next memory bank to continue you document. Press "START B" to go to the next bank. DELETING BLOCKS OF TEXT To delete a block of text, position the cursor on top of the first character of the passage you want to delete and press "OPTION B". The program displays the message BEGINNING MARKED. Next, move the cursor down to the end of the block that you want to delete. As you move the cursor and define the block, the text is highlighted. Now press "OPTION DELETE". If you make a mistake and delete a text block you meant to keep, you can recover the text from the failsafe buffer: Position the cursor at the point you want to restore the text and press "OPTION X". To delete all text from the current position of the cursor to the end of the file, press "SELECT DELETE/BK SP". The program asks, DELETE TO END OF FILE, Y/N? Type Y to delete the material. WHen you use the "SELECT DELETE/BK SP", the deleted text is NOT stored in the failsafe buffer. Once the text is deleted, there is no recovering it. 130XE, "SELECT DELETE/BK SP" deletes everything from the current cursor position to the end of the CURRENT MEMORY BANK ONLY. MOVING (PASTING) BLOCKS OF TEXT The procedure for moving a block of text is much like that for deleting a block of text. Press "OPTION B" at the beginning of what you want to move and "OPTION DELETE" at the end. Type Y when the program asks, DELETE BLOCK, Y/N? Atariwriter+ now deletes the specigied text block from it's old place, but the block is stored in the failsafe buffer. Next, place the cursor where you want to reposition the text and press "OPTION X". The program inserts it at that point and displays the message PASTING COMPLETE. 130XE: You can move a block of text from one memory bank to another. After deleting the block as explained above, press "START B" to go to the desired bank. Position the cursor where you want the block moved to, then press "OPTION X". Remember however, that the 130XE failsafe buffer holds 8K MAXIMUM. If you try to define a block of more than 8K, the program returns the message BLOCK TOO LONG. DUPLICATING (PASTING) BLOCKS OF TEXT The procedure for duplicating a block of text is a little different from deleting or moving a block of text. Press "OPTION B" at the beginning of the block to be duplicated and "OPTION E" at the end. The program displays the message BLOCK DEFINED adn de-highlights the block. What has happened is that Atariwriter+ had put a copy of the defined text block in the failsafe buffer. Next position the cursor where you want to insert the duplicate text and press "OPTION X". The program inserts it at that point and displays the message PASTING COMPLETE. 130XE: You can duplicate a block of text from one memory bank to another. After defining the block as described above, press "START B" to go to the desired bank. Position the cursor where you want the block duplicated, then press "OPTION X". Remember, However, that the failsafe buffer holds an 8K MAXIMUM. ALPHABETIZING LISTS To alphabetize a list of words or phrases, you must place a "RETURN" after each word or phrase to be alphabetized. Mark the beginning of the list using "OPTION B". Now move the cursor to the end of the list and press "OPTION A" to alphabetize the list. Strings of Characters to be alphabetized cannot be more than 250 characters in length. Be patient, the process take time when alphabetizing long blocks. COUNTING NUMBER OF WORDS To count the number of words in a file. press "OPTION W". The number of words counted appears in the message window. To count the number of words in only part of a file, mark the beginning of the block with "OPTION B". Position the cursor at the end of the block and press "OPTION W". SEARCH AND REPLACE Atariwriter+ will search out and replace any specified string of characters up to 21 characters in length, wherever it appears in a text file. To use the search and replace function, first position the cursor at the top of your text file, then press "START S". The program then prompts you to enter the SEARCH STRING. Type in the word or phrase and press return. Now press "START R". At this point, Atariwriter+ prompts you to enter the REPLACE STRING, which may be up to 20 characters in length. Type in the word or phrase and press "RETURN". Now press "SELECT S". The cursor moves to the first occurrence of the string in your file and displays the message STRING FOUND. Finally, press "SELECT R" to replace the old string with the new one. You need not replace a given string on a case-by-case basis only. Once you've defined the search and replace strings, press "OPTION G". The program will search and replace all occurrences GLOBALLY from the current position of the cursor to the end of the file. 130XE: to continue any search and replace funtion across memory banks, you must first change memory banks by pressing "START B" and then continue your case-by-case or global search and replace. The program WILL search and replace control characters. As in DOS, Atariwriter+ allows you to use the question mark (?) as a stand in. or "wildcard", for any character. MERGING FILES This feature allows you to merge a file you've previously saved with the file currently in memory. Keep in mind, though, that when merging files you run the risk of overflowing your computer's free memory. To merge one file with another, first position the cursor where you want the merged file to appear. Now press "OPTION L". The program prompts you to enter the FILE TO MERGE. This prompt works just like the LOAD FILE on the main menu--type in the filename and press return. If the file exceeds the amount of free memory, the message MEMORY FULL and 0 BYTES FREE appear in the message window. At this point. merging is halted. 130XE: you cannot merge a file across memory bank boundries. Whenever merging a file, make certain there is enough memory in the current bank to accomodate the file. SAVING A PORTION OF A FILE To save only a portion of the file you're working on, mark the beginning of the block with "OPTION B". Position the cursor at the end of the block and press "OPTION S". The program prompts you to enter the FILE TO SAVE. This prompt works just like the SAVE FILE option on the main menu--type in a filename and press return. 130XE MEMORY BANKS Here are some notes and reminders about the 130XE's three memory banks. 1) While writing or editing a file, press "START B" to go to the next bank. 2) When retunrning to a bank, the cursor is positioned at the point at which you last exited the bank. 3) FREE MEMORY CLEAN UP: Use "OPTION F" to evenly redistribute free memory. The command take ALL the text in ALL the banks and redistributes it equally among the three banks. This command is particulary useful if you'Ve filled, say, bank 1 but would like more memory in bank 1 with which to add text. The cursor position may be lost during redistribution, so the clean-up should be done at the top of bank 1. PROGRAMMING CAPABILITY You can use Atariwriter+ to write and edit computer programs, which affords you freater editing power than within a programming language. Writing a program is as easy as selecting CREATE FILE, then typing in your program. SAVE ASCII: To save the program, go to the mainmenu and press "CONTROL S". this will save the file as ASCII characters only, omitting Atariwriter+ global print formatting commands. Now load a programming language such as ATARI BASIC or the ATARI MACRO ASSEMBLER and the PROGRAM TEXT EDITOR into your computer. Then ENTER rather than LOAD the program fNo from diskette, and compile or run it as you wish. COMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER WORD PROCESSING PROGRAMS Atariwriter+ can read any Atari DOS 2,0S or 2.5 file from diskette. It is compatible with Atariwriter, as well as non-Atari programs that are compatible with DOS 2.0S or 2.5. You can load Atariwriter files directly into your computer using ATARIWRITER+. All Atariwriter print formatting commands have been retained in Atariwriter+. so there is no need to delete a print formatting command WITHIN a file. You MUSt however, delete the print formatting line at the top of the file. PRINT PREVIEW With a file in memory, the text screen displayed, and the cursor at the top of the file, press "CONTROL P" for print preview. You see the message NOW ON PAGE NUMBER 1. The upper-left hand corner of your first page, formatted as if printed, now appears on the screen. Use the cursor movement controls to scroll down and to the right to view the rest of the page. To preview the next page of your file, press "SPACEBAR" to continue. THE GLOBAL FORMAT SCREEN First select GLOBAL FORMAT from the Atariwriter+ main menu. The following is a description of the formatting commands. LINE SPACING, 'S' is set in terms of half-lines. For double spaced printing, replace 2 with 4. For triple spacing, set this value to 6. PARAGRAPH SPACING, 'D' is set in terms of blank half-lines between paragraphs. The default value is 2--single spacing. For double spacing between paragraphs, delete 2 and type in 4. TOP & BOTTOM MARGINS, 'T & B' are measured from the top and bottom, respectively, of each page. To change them both from their default of one inch (12 half-lines) to one and a half inches, for example, set them both at 18. RIGHT & LEFT MARGINS, 'R & L' are BOTH measured from the left edge of the page, and their values represent character spaces. For narrower margins, try substituting 15 for 10 as the value of L, and 65 for 70 as the value for R. 2ND RIGHT & 2ND RIGHT MARGINS, 'M & N' carry values for DOUBLE COLUMN PRINTING. These values control the margins for the second (right hand) column of the printed page. TYPE FONT, 'G' Determines the sort of characters your printer will print. The default is PICA, or 10 CPI (10 characters per inch). represented by the default value of 1. To format for condensed print, enter 2; for proportional print, enter 3; for elite print, enter 6. (values 4 and 5 are for subscripts and superscripts). PARAGRAPH INDENTATION, 'I' is measured in character spaces from the left margin. The default value is 5. JUSTIFICATION, 'J' works like a simple on/off switch. The default value of 0 gives you unjustified (ragged) right margins. For justified right margins, delete the 0 and type in 1. PAGE NUMBER, 'O' Determines the starting page number if you request mumbered pages when printing. PAGE WAIT, 'W' WOrks like an on/off switch. The default value is 0, which id off. To switch it on, replace the 0 with 1. when the page wait command is active, the program stops printing at the bottom of each page. After inserting a fresh sheet of paper in your printer. press "RETURN" to start printing the next page. PAGE LENGTH, 'Y' does NOT determine the number of lines printed on a page. Rather. Atariwriter+ uses the page length setting to determine where the next printed page will begin. So you should keep your page length at 132 for 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper, or 168 if your using 8 1/2 by 14 inch paper. PRINT FORMATTING WITHIN A FILE You can specify variations from the global format values wherever you want within a file by entering the commands directly in your text. In addition, Atariwriter+ offers a number of formatting commands which you MUST enter directlu in your text. You can enter commands within your file singly or in combination. When writing or editing, simply insert them wherever you want as if you were adding letters or words to your text. To specify variations from the overall formatting values displayed on the global format screen, use the commands shown below. Atariwriter+ displays the appropriate control character wherever you enter one of these commands. Type in the new value IMMEDIATELY after the control character. These characters and numbers WILL NOT be printed. BOTTOM MARGIN "CONTROL B" PARAGRAPH SPACING "CONTROL D" TYPE FONT "CONTROL G" PARAGRAPH INDENTATION "CONTROL I" JUSTIFICATION "CONTROL J" LEFT MARGIN "CONTROL L" RIGHT MARGIN "CONTROL R" 2ND LEFT "CONTROL M" 2ND RIGHT "CONTROL N" LINE SPACING "CONTROL S" TOP MARGIN "CONTROL T" BOTTOM MARGIN "CONTROL B" PAGE LENGTH "CONTROL Y" At the end of the portion of text that you want varied from the overall format, use the same command to re-enter the original formattin gvalue, or whatever value you wish for the text that follows. The following formatting features may ONLY be entered within the file text. BOLD PRINT: to format a portion of your text for bold print, press "SELECT ." at the beginning of that portion of text and "SELECT ." again at the end the program inserts a "<--" at those points. The "<--" represents the start and finish of the bold print and the arrow will NOT print out. ELONGATED PRINT: To format a portion of text for elongated text, press "SELECT E" at the beginning of that portion of text and "SELECT E" again at the end. The program inserts an "E" symbol at these points. The "E" symbol only represents the start and finish of the elongated print and will not print out. When you examine a formatted text file in print preview, elongated text is displayed with an extra character space between characters and words. This is because when printed they'll be twice as wide as normal. So remember that anything more than half a line of normal text will run over to the next line, if elongated. UNDERLINING: To underline a word or more of text, press the inverse video key or the fuji key before typing the material you want underlined. The characters to be underlined are highlighted in inverse video on your screen. To go back to nonunderlined characters, press the inverse video or "fuji" key again. You can also underline words that you've already typed, or cancel the underlining of words that you've entered as underlined. Just position the cursor on the first character of what you want to change, then press "CONTROL U" until you've changed as much text as you want either to inverse or back to normal video. SUBSCRIPTS AND SUPERSCRIPTS Printed slightly below or above the line, subscripts and superscripts are especially useful when you're using chemical or mathematical formulas, or when footnoting your text. To specify subscript. press "SELECT ARROW DOWN" before typing in the material to be subscribed and "SELECT ARROW UP" after. To specify a superscript. press "SELECT ARROW UP" before and "SELECT ARROW DOWN" after the material to superscribed. INTERNATIONAL CHARACTERS If you have an Atari printer that supports international characters, you can insert the international characters directly into your text. Press the inverse video key or the "FUJI" key, then type the control character that returns the international character you want printed. The character that comes up on your text screen while editing or writing WILL NOT be the international character, but will be, in most instances, an inverse video control graphic character. However, when you examine the file in print preview, the international character is displayed on your screen. BLOCKING TEXT RIGHT To block a line of text flush with the right margin of the printed page, press "CONTROL C" twice in succession at the beginning of the line to be vlocked right. Each line to be blocked right must end with a return. CENTERING TEXT To center lines of text, press "CONTROL C" once at the beginning of each line to be centered. Ath the end of the line, press "RETURN". HEADERS, FOOTERS, AND PAGE NUMBERING Atariwriter+ will place headers or footers of one or two lines on each of your printed pagaes. By using the page numbering command in combination with a header or footer command, you can also have the program number your printed pages. To specify a HEADER, press "CONTROL H", then type the text of the header and press "RETURN". You must use "CONTROL H", and press retun for each SEPARATE line of a TWO-line header. To specify a FOOTER, press "CONTROL F", then type the text of the footer and press "RETURN". YOu must use "CONTROL F", and press "RETURN" for each line of a TWO-line footer. To number printed pages, type the "@" symbol (SHIFT 8), at that point within your header or footer text that you want the page numbers to appear. If you want page numbers only in your header or footer, simply enter "@" as your entire header or footer text. CHAINING PRINT FILES Atariwriter+ allows you to link any number of files, in any order that you wish, to be printed as if they were one file. This is especially useful when you want to print a long document that you've written and saved in segments. Here's how to chain two files named REPORT.001 and REPORT.002, for example. While writing or editing REPORT.oo1, position the cursor at the end of the file and press "CONTROL V". Then, in UPPERCASE LETTERS ONLY, type D1: or D2: followed by REPORT.002 and press "RETURN". Each file in a chain is formatted according to the global formatting values for the FIRST file in the chain. Be certain the values on the global format screen are those you want for every file. However, any special formatting commands entered WITHIN specific files of a chain will be obeyed, even if they differ from the values on the global format screen of the first file. You can use print preview to preview a chain of files. PAGE EJECT Use this command when you want the program to halt printing at a given point in a text file and space to the top of the next page before printing resumes. To enter the page eject command, position the cursor where you want the page eject to take place and press "CONTROL E" then "RETURN". TABS To change tab settings. first press "CONTROL TAB" to clear all present tab settings. Then. to establish new settings, position the cursor wherever you want a new setting and press "SELECT TAB". To clear just one tab setting, place the cursor directly above the tab you want to clear and press "START TAB". SECTION HEADINGS Use this feature of Atariwriter+ to number sections and subsections headings in the body of a text file. Suppose your writing a text file about nutrition. In outline, it includes the following sections and subsections: Fruits and vegetables Fruits Fresh Fruits Preserves Vegetables Dairy Products To number each section and subsection heading when entering them in your file, press "SELECT H" and type the number of the section level of that heading, then the text of the heading and "RETURN". In this case, "Fruits and Vegetables" is the highest level of headings, so you type 1 after "SELECT H". The section level for both "Fruits and Vegetables" is 2, and 3 for both "Fresh Fruits" and "Preserves". For "Dairy Products", you return to a section of level 1. You can specify section levels of 1 through 9. Wherever you enter a section heading command and number, Atariwriter+ displays an "H" on a dark background followed by the section level number. When it formats and prints your file, the program numbers your section headings, raising the numbers for each occurrence of a section heading command at a given level. In other words, the section headings in your file on nutrition would be numbered as follows: 1 Fruits and Vegetables 1.1 Fruits 1.1.1 Fresh Fruits 1.1.2 Preserves 1.2 Vegetables 2 Dairy Products Add as many spaces between each section level number and heading as you want between the section number and heading. And use paragraph markers, the center or block text right commands, and print style commands in combination with your section heading commands to format and style your headings the way you want them. FORM PRINTING Especially handy for business or form letters, this feature lets you leave blanks in a text file--for names and addresses, account numbers, and the like--and fill them in with specifics each time Atariwrite+ prints the file. Wherever you want to leave a blank, press "OPTION INSERT". A "HOOKED ARROW" symbol appears at that point on your screen. Repeat the command for each entry that you'll be filling in later. When Atariwriter+ prints the file, it stops at each such command and prompts you to MAKE ENTRY, PRESS RETURN. Type what you want to fill in the blank--up to 35 characters per blank--and press "RETURN. After you complete each entry, the program continues printing the file until the next blank, if present. SPECIAL PRINTER CONTROLS Atariwriter+ does not support every feature of every printer. But you can still take advantage of those features the -rogram doesn't support by sending special decimal-code commands to your printer. You enter them directly in your text files. Wherever you want toenter a printer contil code, first press "CONTROL O", then type in the decimal equivalent of the appropriate printer control code understood by your printer. You should be able to find a listing of printer control codes and decimal equivalents in the manual that came with your printer. You must type "CONTROL O" before EACH value of the printer control code. Many printer control codes are escape sequences. Instead of typing the decimal equivalent of escape (27) each time you enter an escape sequence, you can simply press "SHIFT ESC ESC" for the escape character. The program displays a noninverse video return symbol at that point as a stand in for escape. Then press "CONTROL O" again and type the deciaml equivalent of the next character in the sequence. PRINTING TO OTHER DEVICES Atariwriter+ allows you to print to devices other than your printer. After selecting PRINT FILE from the main menu, answer N to the prompt PRINT TO PRINTER Y/N? The program now asks for the device and filename you want to print to. Enter the device and filename (for example, D2:MYFILE) and press "RETURN". The valid devices (and device codes) are disk drive(s) D1: & D2: and RS232 ports R1: through R4:. CUSTOM PRINTER DRIVER With Atariwriter+ you can print your files even though you don't have any of the printers (or compatible printer) listed on the two printer selection menus. To create a custom printer driver, you need to enter the your printer manual on hand. First, insert the Atariwriter+ program in drive 1. (If you have an Atari 800, you must FIRST insert a BASIC cartridge.) Then hold down "SELECT" and switch on your computer. Keep "SELECT" held down until the CUSTOM PRINTER DRIVE EDITOR title comes up on your screen. The title screen displays three options (loading a printer driver, saving a printer driver, and returning to the Atariwriter+ program) which you will normally use after you've created a custom printer driver. When the CUSTOM PRINTER DRIVER EDITOR title screen is displayed, press "SPACEBAR" to enter the printer driver editor. A list of printer functions appears on your screen. To select a funtion, press "ARROW KEY" to move the cursor arrown down or up to the function you want, and press "RETURN". You will be prompted to enter the decimal equivalent of the control code that your printer uses for the function you selected. (if you have loaded an existing printer driver, the decimal equivalent you've already entered will be displayed at the top of the screen.) Refer to your printer manual to enter the code for the function you selected and press "RETURN". Enter each element of the code on a separate line. For example, the escape code 27, nn must be entered as 27"RETURN" nn "RETURN". Simply press return to go back to the list of printer functions. The following is a complete list of the printer functions in the printer driver editor in the order they appear, and a brieg explanation of what each require. INITIALIZE EVERY LINE: Some printers require initialization at the beginning of every printed line (most, however, don't). LINE FEED AND CARRIAGE RETURN: Enter the code for a line feed on the first line, press "RETURN". Enter the code for a carriage return on the next line, press "RETURN" twice. Some printers may have one code that combines both carriage return and line feed. UNDERLINE OFF: If your printer can underline, enter the code that halts underlining; press "RETURN" twice. UNDERLINE ON: If your printer can underline, enter the code that starts underlining; press "RETURN" twice. BACKSPACE: If your printer can bcakspace but CANNOT print underlined or boldface characters, enter the backspace code here; press return twice. ELONGATE OFF: If your printer can elongate characters, enter the code that halts elongated characters; press "RETURN" twice. ELONGATE ON: If your printer can elongate characters, enter the code for elongated characters; press "RETURN" twice. BOLD OFF: IF your printer can print boldface characters, enter the code that halts boldface print; press "RETURN" twice. BOLD ON: If your printer can print boldface characters, enter the code for boldface print; press "RETURN" twice. UP 1/2 LINE: If your printer can do reverse half-line feeds, enter that code here; press "RETURN" twice. DOWN 1/2 LINE: If your printer can do forward half-line feeds, enter that code here; Press "RETURN" twice. DOWN 1/2 LINE AND CARRIAGE RETURN: Your printer may have two special fonts for superscripts and subscripts; they probably print out as very small characters, just above or below the center line. If you think you might ever want to print an entire file in one of these fonts, enter the code for forward half-line feed on the first line, then press "RETURN". Enter the code for carriage return on the next line; press "RETURN" twice. TYPE FONT 1-9: You can define up to nine type fonts. Enter one font control code for each of the type fonts 1 to 9. If your printer has fewer than nine, define as many as you like. LOADING A PRINTER DRIVER When you are in the printer driver editor, you can load a printer driver you've already created. Then you can view or edit the decimal equivalents of the printer control codes you entered. Type "L" to load an existing printer driver. The program prompts you to enter the FILE TO LOAD. Type D1: or D2: followed by the filename of the printer driver you want to view or edit, and press "RETURN". SAVING A PRINTER DRIVER When you are in the printer driver editor, type "S" to save the printer driver you created. The program prompts you to enter the FILE TO SAVE. Insert a formatted disk into the disk drive and type D1: or D": followed by the filename for your printer driver, then press "RETURN". Filenames for printer drivers must NOT be followed by a period abd a three-character extender. Atariwriter+ automatically assigns it's own extender to the printer driver filename. The filename you give your driver is the filename you'll type in when you want to load the driver. LEAVING THE PRINTER DRIVER EDITOR Type "R" when you want to leave the printer driver editor and return to the Atariwriter+ program. You will be prompted LOAD ATARIWRITER PLUS? Type Y for yes and press "RETURN". Then insert the program disk in drive 1 and press "START". Atariwriter+ now loads. (If you had to insert a basic cartridge to run the driver editor, first switch off the computer and remove the cartridge, the reload Atariwriter+. Whenever you select PRINT FILE from the main menu and you want to use your custom printer driver, select "H" (OTHER) from the printer selection menu. The program will prompt you to enter the PRINTER DRIVER FILENAME. Type either D1: or D2: follwoed by the filename and press "RETURN". Once you load the driver, it remains in memory until you switch off the computer. LOADING PRROFREADER Select VERIFY SPELLING from the Atariwriter+ main menu. THe Atariwriter+ program diskettee must be in drive #1 PROOFREADER MENU CORRECT ERRORS: Proofreads a file as you correct errors, word by word. HIGHLIGHT ERRORS: Proofreads a file and highlights errors in inverse video. PRINT ERRORS: Proofreads a file and simultaneously prints a list of errors found. DICTIONARY SEARCH: Searches proofreader for the correct spelling of a word. ADD PERSONAL DICTIONARY: Loads your personal dictionary from a diskette. FILE PERSONAL DICTIONARY: Saves a personal dictionary to diskette. 1 INDEX DRIVE 1: Lists the files on the diskette in drive 1. 2 INDEX DRIVE 2: Lists the files on the diskette in drive 2. LOAD FILE: Loads a file for proofreading. SAVE FILE: Saves a proofread file. RETURN TO ATARIWRITER+: Returns you to the Atariwriter+ main menu. CORRECTING ERRORS Select CORRECT ERRORS from the proofreader menu. Follow proofreader's prompt to INSERT PROOFREADER DICTIONARY DISKETTE IN DRIVE (1 or 2), THEN PRESS RETURN. When proofreader begins checking your file, it stops at the first error it finds and offers you a CORRECTION MENU at the bottom of your screen which consists ot three choices: CORRECT WORD, SEARCH DICTIONARY, and KEEP THIS SPELLING. To correct a word type "C" then press "RETURN". You are now asked to enter the corrected word or "RETURN". If you want to keep the spelling, simply press "RETURN", otherwise type the word exactly as you want it to appear in your text, then press "RETURN". SEARCH DICTIONARY Suppose you don't know exactly how the next incorrect word in your file should be spelled. The SEARCH DICTIONARY option lets you look through proofreader'S dictionary for the proper spelling. Type "D", then press "RETURN". Proofreader asks what you want to search for. Type in as much of hte word as you can, entering at LEAST the first TWO letters. Next proofreader searches it's dictionary for all the words that start with these lettes and displays them at the top of your screen, usually nine at a time. KEEP THIS SPELLING Proof reader highlights every word that it cannot find in it's dictionary, even though you may have spelled them correctly. Whenever you want to keep the word as is, simply press "RETURN". Whenever you use KEEP THIS SPELLING, proofreader memorizes the word. Should you use the same word again in the file, during this session or proofing, proofreader won't highlight it again. FILING PERSONAL DICTIONARIES Each time you tell proofreader to KEEP THIS SPELLING the program memorizes the word. When you've finished correcting a file, select FILE PERSONAL DICTIONARY from the proofreader menu. As long as there is at least one new word to save, proofreader asks, PERSONAL DICTIONARY SAVE FILE NAME? Enter a filename for this personal dictionary file, insert a formatted diskette, then press "RETURN". Next the program asks if you want to SELECT WHICH WORDS TO STORE Y/N? Type N if you want to save ALL the new words from the file you've created. Otherwise, type Y. Proofreader then displays all new words from your corrected files on your screen, one at a time, and asks if it should STORE WORD Y/N? as each one appears. Type Y or N as you wish for each word. PROOFREADING WITH PERSONAL DICTIONARY FILES Insert the diskette containing your dictionary file in your disk drive. Select ADD PERSONAL DICTIONARY from the proofreader menu. the program prompts you to ENTER PERSONAL DICTIONARY FILE NAME. Type in the name of the dictionary file you want to laod, then press "RETURN". You can load more than one personal dictionary at the same time, provided you don't exceed available personal dictionary memory. ATARI MAIL MERGE (CONDENSE) Select mail merge from Atariwriter+ main menu. Select create file from the mail merge menu. The default record format appears on your screen. To create a file with the default format press "RETURN" 15 times until the message DEFINITIONS COMPLETE Y/N? apprears on your screen. Type Y in response and the default record format is now placed in memory, and the program switches you to the mail merge menu. EDITING A FILE To begin entering records, select EDIT FILE. The default record format comes up on screen, just as above, but this time you can enter information within the fields. This is the record edit/entry screen you've defined for your current work session with Mail merge. PRINTING A FILE To print a mail merge file, make sure that your printer is switched on and on-line and that your interface module is on. Then select PRINT FILE. The file begins to print immediatly, in the order the records were entered. SAVING AND LOADING FILES Operated in the same manner as any Atariwriter+ text file. CREATING YOUR OWN RECORD FORMAT Select Create file from the mail merge menu. The default record format again appears on your screen. Press "SHIFT DELETE" to delete the field at the current cursor position. Continue to press "SHIFT DELETE" until you see the message MINIMUM FIELDS REACHED. The last field, still displayed, is HOME PHONE. Press "SHIFT INSERT" to insert at the current position of the cursor a 20-character field. Once you enter this field, you may the delete HOME PHONE using "SHIFT DELETE". You can insert as many as 15 fields. SOme of them, howver, may not require a 20-character capacity. To delete character spaces from a field, position the cursor at the first dash in the field and press "CONTROL DELETE". To insert character spaces, one at a time, position the cursor at the first dash of the field and press "CONTROL INSERT". Now position the cursor at the left margin of the first field. Type in the field name and press "RETURN"; type in the next field name, and so on. When you'Ve entered the last field name, press "RETURN" and answer "Y" to the question DEFINITIONS COMPLETE Y/N? your record format is now in memory. You can enter as many records as you wish using edit file, provided your file does not exceed the number of bytes free, or 255 records, whichever comes first. Then go on to save the file once you've completed your work session with mail merge. BUILDING A SUBSET First you must create a file, which simply means picking out the record format you wish to use for the file. For present purposes, use the default record format, creating the file according to the instructions above. Then, when the mail merge menu is displayed, select BUILD SUBSET. The build subset screen comes up. Notice that the filed names take their place on screen, numbered 1 through 15. The columns LOW VALUE and HIGH VALUE on the right are where you define the range of records you want to include in your subset. Defining the Low and HIGH VALUES is similar to setting an alphabetic range. The low value defines the first character(s) the program will use in building the subset. The high value defines the upper limit. The program builds the subset according to the ASCII hierarchy, except that the process is not sensitive to upper- and lowercase letters. For example, to build a subset of all first names beginning with B,C, and D, you would type A for the LOW VALUE and E for the HIGH VALUE. The subset would include all names such as ALLEN, BOB, CHARLIE, and DAVID] However, the name Earl would not be included unless the HIGH VALUE was changed to F. Once you've defined you LOW and HIGH VALUES, press "RETURN" until the cursor is positioned next to SEQUENCE BY FIELD--. Type the field number of the field you want to build the subset with and press "ESC". (For example, if you want to build a subset with the FIRST NAME filed, type 02--the number of this field.) The program now displays all fields within the file that fall into that range. If you build a subset, only those records that fall into the subset will be available when updating records. To erase the subset, enter 00 for the SEQUENCE BY FIELD-- DATA BASE MERGE CHARACTER WHenever you want a certain record's field inserted into an Atariwriter+ file, press "OPTION M". The program puts a "HEART" symbol at that point in your file. This is the data base merge character. Now type the field number for the field you want printed (1 through 15) immediately after the "HEART" symbol and press "RETURN". If you are printing form letters or making labels, make sure that a "RETURN" appears somewhere on the line with the data base character; otherwise, the mail merge field will not be printed. When printing, the program will stop at the first data base merge character and prompt you to enter the DATA BASE MERGE FILE. Enter the filename of the appropriate mail merge file and press "RETURN". If you have built a subset the merge is tied only to the subset and not the entire file. ail merge file and press "RETURN". If you have built a subset the merge is tied only to the subset.