BEYOND CASTLE WOLFENSTEIN: LEFT JOYSTICK: Moves man Fire Button: Hold and move joystick to aim gun. OPTION:Throws a grenade in the direction the gun is aimed. ESC KEY:Used to save game. The passes that you can use are at the left side of the screen. After you find out which pass works on a level it is good anyplace on that level. The pass number used changes for every game. Press "M" to bribe the guard with money. **NOTE** This does not always work, not all guards will take a bribe. To Search a dead guard stand over him and press the SPACE BAR. To open a locked vault you must enter the correct 3 number combination. When you push a number key if it is the correct one it will "CLICK" you must push each number of the combination befor trying a new number. EXP: If the first number is 3 then to find the second number you would push 3 then one other key if the second key does not "CLICK" then you must push the 3 key again before trying a different number. The same goes to find the last number you must push each of the other numbers before trying the last number. also if each key of the combination does not "CLICK" you must renter the number, starting with the first number of the combination. To use a item found in a vault: First Aid Kit-Press "F"(can only be used one time) There are other items that can be used in the vaults you will have to figure out how to use them (HINT try pressing the first letter of the item name) GOOD LUCK!