G U N S L I N G E R =================== The object of Gunslinger is to kill the six Dalton brothers and rescue your friend James Badland. This file will tell you exactly what to do so if you just want clues don't read this file!!! All Directions are abbreviated (ex. N for NORTH and so forth) The game starts with you waking up in the middle of the desert, wait until the cowboy takes you into town then, w, get haircut, e,n,e,buy pickle,get pickle,eat pickle(useless I know buy what the heck),w,n,w,n,play poker,shoot man(one down five to go),get money,s,buy drink,e,s,s,s,w,buy ticket,get ticket,e,ride car. When you wake up again,get flint,e,e,drink water,n,n,w,u,w,get mirror,e,d,e,n,n,w,get poster,read poster,e,n,n,n,n,get keg,then go south till you get to the dam ,drop keg,light fuse,n,drink water,d,n,get lamp,n,light lamp,w,n,get ax,s,e,n,e,n,turn off lamp, dig,get crystal,s,light lamp,w,s,ride car,wait,wait,wait, pull handle,wait,wait,drop ax,drop lamp,u,u,down cliff,go south till you get to the well then, e, give crystal,get box,w,w,w, use box,get gold,e,e,e, give gold,ride mule, w, then go north till you get back to the sealed mine entrance(yawn!!!),u,e,d, talk to indian,n,n,n,n, talk chief,give miror,give poster, s,s,e,e,e, dismount, ride canoe,wait,wait,duck,grab branch(two down four to go), e,e,n,n,n,w,w,get fuse,wear fuse, now just explore the fort or "wait" until you are captured then, wait until you are served your last meal then, get spoon, then wait(again!!!) until the guard gives you a cigarette then, get cigarette,u,dig,exit, unwear fuse(thats right "unwear"!),tie fuse,climb fuse,light fuse, n,e,ride train,u, fight man,d (three down three to go), open door,go door,e,e,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,e,u,talk man, d,w,s,s,s,s,s, w,get rifle, ride horse,e,e,n, dismount, w,n,e,u, look west window , wait until they bring James to the gallows then, shoot rope, jump south window, sit back and enjoy the end. --------------