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This New ISA Card Is A Game Changer! PicoMEM First Look


The brand new PicoMEM ISA card from FreddyV supports hard and floppy drive emulation, extra RAM, AdLib emulation, WiFi, USB controller support and so much more! I think it’s going to be a real game changer for these old PCs. So let’s put it through its paces.


If you, like me, are the kind of totally normal person who’s still regularly using ancient PCs like this one, or indeed this one, or this one, in 2024, then I have a very exciting piece of hardware to show to you today.

It’s called the PicoMEM, and it adds all sorts of interesting functionality to pretty much anything with an ISA slot - so in this video I’m going to show you my top 5 favourite features.

But first, one of the most exciting features, which is the PicoMEM’s AdLib sound card emulation support, requires a little bit of extra hardware - and that comes in the form of an I2S PCM5102 DAC, or Digital to Analogue Converter.

Now there are some links on the back of this that need to be configured in a specific way to actually set this card up for use with the PicoMEM, so make sure they’re correct if you’re going to be installing one of these, and in my case I also used a couple of double sided sticky foam pads - partly to hold it in the right position for soldering and make sure that everything was nice and straight and lined up but also it should add some rigidity as well when I’m plugging things into and out of it so that’s highly recommended and I’ll link to the board that I bought down in the description so you know that that one’s guaranteed to work.

Now the first thing that we need to do before we can get started with the PicoMEM is to update the firmware, of course, and that’s really, really simple because it’s a Raspberry Pi Pico. So all we need to do is just go to the official GitHub page - and as we can see, there was a new firmware update yesterday, and Freddy is actually really, really actively updating this, releasing new features, bug fixes, and that kind of stuff so it’s well worth checking back here regularly for the latest firmware updates - and one thing that he has recently introduced is a specific version for systems with monochrome screens and of course this Atari PC3 has a lovely amber monitor so if I use that version it’s going to be a lot more visible on this system so I think I’ll try that one first, dead easy to flash new firmwares anyway.

So of course that’s the PMW_July16_MD version, so we’ll just scroll up to the top and then it’s just a case of clicking on that - and letting that file - so we go to “Download Raw File”, if you’ve never used GitHub before, and that’s now in our Downloads folder. Now you can do this on any system that supports USB Mass Storage Devices, so whether it’s Mac, Windows, Linux, anything like that would be perfectly fine, and all you need is a USB to USB micro cable, and we just plug that in and take the Pico - and what we need to do as we plug this in is to hold down this button here on the Raspberry Pi itself, and then that goes into there - and Windows should recognise that as a USB drive, which it has, so that’s great - and what we’ll do is we’ll just go into Downloads, and copy that file…

…and paste it…

…and once that finishes copying, the Pi actually automatically reboots, and that’s it - that’s the firmware updated - so now we can continue and install the card in the actual machine itself.

So, I was running an XT-IDE in this machine, which of course is now obsolete. I think I may have stolen it at some point and put it into one of my IBM machines. But yeah, the PicoMEM just goes into any available 8 bit ISA slot - so, it just slots in.

I’ve got this nice 3D printed bracket that I got from Freddy.

Thank you very much, Freddy!

So the PicoMEM offers a really good graphical BIOS configuration tool which we can go into just by pressing “S” during boot - and if you’re familiar with old PC BIOSes then this will be a very, very familiar place for you - but of course not something that we’re used to seeing on XT class machines like this one so really fantastic to have such a comprehensive configuration system, and you can basically go through and configure all of the features of the PicoMEM as we shall see.

So first screen we have here, we’ve just got the BIOS build version that we’re currently running, we’ve got the system memory configuration and the drive configuration - and there’s also an option here for Fast Boot, which I will leave off because that skips that prompt - and I’m gonna be jumping in and out of this menu, so I don’t wanna miss that as we go through.

The next option is “Memory” and I must confess I’m not an expert on DOS memory management, so I’ll just be covering the basics in this video, but very important to show this off because it is a very useful feature of the PicoMEM and you can configure that pretty much however you like - so we’ve got conventional, we’ve got EMS and we’ve got all the rest of it.

Next up we have the “Disk” option and this is a real game changer, so this is probably one of my favourite features of the PicoMEM. It’s all image file based so we have actual image files on the SD card and it supports two floppy drives - and various different formats of course - and up to four hard drives which is really fantastic and because they are just standard image files you can mount those on other systems and really easily copy files to and from them so your Gotek and your XT-IDE are pretty much completely redundant now.

…and the next menu option is the reason why I just installed that DAC - so the PicoMEM can emulate an AdLib card at the moment, and in future of course, with it all being software defined, there is the potential for adding support for other sound cards as well, so I’ll be showing that off a little bit later on in the video.

…and finally, tucked away under a rather unassuming option known as “Other”, we have two of the PicoMEM’s most impressive features. So we have NE2000 network card emulation, which of course just appears to the system as a bog standard NE2000 network card, but that’s hooked up to the Raspberry Pi Pico’s built in WiFi, so we can actually get this thing online using WiFi, which is seriously impressive - and also, of course, because the Pico has USB built in, it can act as a USB host and we can also connect a USB mouse and indeed USB game controllers as well - so we’ll take a look at those a bit later on in the video as well. I think we’ll start with the disc image support and take a look at how that works.

So getting the PicoMEM’s disk emulation up and running is just a case of popping the MicroSD card out of the Raspberry Pi Pico, of course, and I’ll just stick that in a full size SD adapter and slap it straight into this Windows laptop. Now, as as we can see, we’ve got the file structure here, and it’s very important that it is set up in this way because the PicoMEM is actually hard coded to look at these file paths, so this is formatted as FAT32, and we have two folders here, one called “FLOPPY” and one called “HDD” - and if we just click into “FLOPPY”, you can see that I’ve already downloaded some floppy disk images for this specific machine and I just want to give a quick shout out to where I actually downloaded these because they very kindly have made all of the original system disks and things available for this very rare system and I’ve just downloaded the files straight from there, dropped them onto the SD card and they just work perfectly fine with the PicoMEM as expected, so thank you very much.

I also set up a hard drive image on there which I’ll show you in a second - and I’ve copied a working copy of DOS and the GEM desktop and everything across to there as well so we’ll take a look at that just in a few moments. But of course, if you’re looking for DOS system disks, there’s also WinWorld - it’s probably the biggest one - any kind of floppy disk, any kind of games, that kind of thing. I have heard that the emulation, because it uses some code from DOSBox rather than emulating at a much lower hardware level, that there might be some things that access the drive directly that may not be compatible.

Freddy is working on improving compatibility all the time but I certainly haven’t come across anything in my limited testing but I’d be interested to hear if anyone does discover anything like that.

But for now what we want to do is to copy some stuff over to my hard drive image - so what I’m going to do is download the drivers, because we’ll need these later on in the video for demoing some of the hardware - and again, these are just available from the official GitHub - so we have the NE2000.COM, which is a driver for the NE2000 network card emulation that I was just talking about.

We’ve got PM2000.COM and this is kind of a PicoMEM customized version of that driver.

There’s PMMOUSE.COM which allows you to use your your USB mouse, believe it or not, so we’ll take a look at that a little bit later on in the video - and there’s PMEMM, which is the memory manager. So if you want to use extended memory in DOS, and you want to use the PicoMEM to do that, you’ll need this specific driver to be able to enable that in DOS.

But for now, let’s just download these drivers…

So, as previously mentioned, I have a hard drive image on here all set up and ready to go - and I will show you how to create one in a second, but it is very, very simple. But this is just the one that I’ve been working with - and this is only 20MB, because that was the size of the drive in the PC originally, and to be entirely honest with you, it’s best to keep hard drive images as small as possible with these early XT machines and these early versions of DOS. You can probably quite safely go up to about 500MB or so depending on what version of DOS that you’re using but in all honesty, how much stuff are you going to have installed at the same time?

It’s absolutely trivial to reboot and just switch between the different images, have different environments, you can have your games on one and tools on another and whatever else so I like to keep them nice and small for performance reasons if anything else - I mean, DOS will be reading to and writing from the File Allocation Table and is notoriously slow with bigger partitions.

Anyway, of course, that’s entirely up to you, this is just how I’ve got mine set up.

So if I go into this - and I’ve got this associated with WinImage - and it asks which partition we want to work with, so we’ll just click OK, because it’s just the one on there - and as you can see, you can see all of my files on here so what I’m going to do with this is I’m going to go into “Image”, and I’m going to create a new folder, and I’m just going to call that “DRIVERS”.

So that is just there - and then if we go back to our Downloads folder and select all of the files that we’ve just downloaded, I can drag that across.

“Do you want to inject six files?”

Yes - and it just copies those across to the disk image - and that’s it. We can close WinImage and eject the SD card - and that’s ready to go back into the PicoMEM.

Now, of course, I love that amber monitor as much as anyone else - it is very dear to me and it’s a fantastic looking thing - but it is a bit challenging to film, so what I’m going to do is just switch over to a direct capture for some of this video, just to show you some of the stuff a bit more clearly - and you can also admire the PicoMEM setup utility in all of its full colour blue and yellow glory here. So what I’m going to do is just show you how to create a new disk image.

So all you need to do is go to the “Disk” option here and go down to “New Disk Image” - and then you can specify the size. So I’m just going to do a relatively small one here - let’s go for 32MB and we’ll just call it-

keep it all in capitals because I like my image names to be in capitals just for consistency.

It just has to be 8 characters and then it will add the .IMG extension to the end - and that will be in the “HDD” directory on the SD card.

As you can see, it only takes a few seconds to run, especially on a small file like this - and it also creates a 32MB file and pre-allocates all of that space as well, which is really cool.

So, then all we need to do is go back up and we can set it as our hard drive - so we’ll just pick “REESTEST” - and in floppy drive A, I’ve copied some more floppy disk images over as well so I’m going to put a DOS 6.22 boot disk in drive A, and then just reboot the system…

…and press “A” to boot from floppy…

…and it boots into the MS DOS 6.22 setup utility, as we can see - this should be familiar to lots of viewers of this channel, I would have thought, but what I’m going to do is actually just quit out of this, because I want to-

I mean, we can run through this if we want to, but I’m not going to run through a full DOS install at the moment.

But what I can do is we can just FDISK this new hard drive that we created - and of course, as far as the system’s concerned, it is literally just a bog standard hard drive, it only takes a second and then it reboots.

…and then obviously we can switch to that drive, but it’s not been formatted, it’s not been initialised yet as far as DOS is concerned. So we’ll just go back to the floppy and we can do a “FORMAT C:” on that, as you might expect.

We’ll copy the system over as well, actually.

Of course you get the usual warning…

…and it flies through, it’s a very small image file. It’s very, very quick compared to an old mechanical hard drive. So literally just flies through that process - 31.96MB, which is about what we would expect.

We can set a volume label if we want to, although I’m going to be deleting this image anyway, after this test.

…and there we go, we’ve got all of the bytes available and all of that stuff so if we just reboot this - hopefully next time it should boot from that new hard drive as we’ve copied the system files across…

…and yeah, there we go: no problems at all, straight into a very minimal DOS system. I just skipped the date and time stuff because there’s no CMOS battery in this computer but in my experience over the past couple of weeks of playing with all this disk image stuff, of course, you can just go straight into the setup menu, you can swap disk images, you can create them as you’ve seen, and you can just work with them as if they are any other hard drive. I mean, this is a real game changer - it’s so much easier than the likes of the Gotek or the XT-IDE - don’t get me wrong they’re fantastic devices, they certainly have their place, but this has just blown me away playing with this over the past few weeks and it just works!

There’s no drama or no fuss or anything so hopefully that’s come across in this but I have to say, disk management probably isn’t the most exciting thing in the world so let’s move on to something a little bit more interesting.

…and of course, when I say interesting, what I really mean is DOS memory management!

One of my favourite subjects, as I mentioned earlier in the video. But yeah, all joking aside, the way that this works is really, really slick - and of course, it’s really useful for these old machines as well so I have to show you how this works - and, as you can see from the “Conventional” graph at the top of the screen that’s full of those S’s there, the conventional memory on this machine is already maxed out anyway - it was a 640K machine when it left the factory at Atari so we’re not going to be able to show off the conventional memory here, but to be honest it’s quite simple anyway - there’s an option down at the bottom here to maximise the conventional memory - and the way that that works is by using the PM RAM and the PS RAM, which you can enable and disable individually.

Now, the way that they work is basically the PM RAM is the onboard RAM on the Raspberry Pi Pico itself, so I think you’ve got 64k or something like that, and that’s hooked up directly to the bus, so that’s zero wait states, and you always want to have that enabled if you can, but of course that’s not enough to max out the RAM in, say, a 256K system or something like that so what Freddy has also added is the PS RAM, which is linked to an actual serial RAM chip on the PicoMEM board itself.

Now that is a little bit slower, it’s accessed through software and it’s something that can be improved in the firmware and Freddy is working on it so it will get faster but at the moment that’s 6 wait states so it’s a little bit slower than say hardware RAM chips and Freddy does recommend that if you have the option available to you, you are better off with a physical RAM card or whatever inside the system itself but if you’re stuck, and of course the amount of RAM is more important to you than the actual speed of the RAM, which to be honest is quite often the case on these older machines anyway, then you’ve got the PS RAM option there to take it all the way up to the full 640K.

So what we can do is obviously we can exit back out to DOS just by pressing escape a couple of times - and I’ve also swapped the disk image over, so I’m now running on an imaged version of the CompactFlash card that I was running on when I had the XT-IDE in this machine, but if we just take a look at the “MEM” command - completely bog standard as you might expect - 640K machine, I’ve got 71K used at the moment and that’s literally all there is to it, but if we reboot this…

…what we have at the top here is this “EMS” option. Now EMS or extended memory in DOS uses a port and it actually uses a special driver to be able to access it - so you may be familiar with stuff like EMM386.EXE, which was in later versions of DOS, but you need a 386 CPU to be able to run that and this machine definitely doesn’t have that. So, thankfully, the PicoMEM does come with its own driver for this, so what we’ll do is we’ll enable that, and we will exit back out and obviously boot back into DOS…

…and all we need to do is add this as a DEVICE line in the top of the CONFIG.SYS file: so the equals - there we go - the equals key is a little bit unresponsive on this keyboard - but C:\DRIVERS\PMEMM.EXE - and then I think it’s F2 to save, and then Alt-F4 - and then if we just reboot the system…

…Ha! It’s actually beeping through the PC speaker…

…as it runs through the memory test. Now, of course, this memory is not likely to fail this test so I think we’ll just by-

Oh, it’s just done a nice farting noise at us! But yeah, “4080K RAM Available”, so if we just run the “MEM” command in DOS, hopefully - there we go, we’ve got “Total Expanded (EMS)”, so that’s at 4080K so yeah, we now have a 4MB Turbo XT machine.

Over the years, many very clever people have come up with many very clever methods of connecting these old PCs to networks, and indeed to the internet - I mean, when I did my IBM 5150 project a few years ago - and no, I’m not claiming to be a very clever person - but when I did that project a few years ago, and I fully pimped it out with all those upgrades and stuff, I decided to go down the route of a period correct 8 bit ISA network card and being someone who wasn’t around and setting these things up in the 80s, it was a real pain to get it up and running, so thank heavens for all of these modern solutions - and I have to say, the PicoMEM is probably the easiest one that I’ve come across yet because of course, the Raspberry Pi PicoW that I have installed on here has built in wireless networking - and the PicoMEM can use that, and it can use it to emulate an NE2000 card, and it’s basically all completely transparent as far as this machine is concerned - it’s quite a sight to behold. So all we need is a modern machine that we can pop the SD card into just to create a config file, and away we go.

…and here we are on our modern machine! So all we need to do is to create a text file in the root of the MicroSD card just called “wifi.txt” - I can open that in a text editor, of course you can do this on Windows or macOS or Linux or anything else I guess, but not actually on the retro PC itself of course because it doesn’t have access to the SD card’s file system outside of the drives that it has mounted. So the top line of this text document just needs to be your SSID, which in my case is “Ctrl-Alt-Rees”, and the second line is your password.

…and that’s it! It really is that simple - we are now connected to the WiFi - with one caveat, as I’m sure you’ve probably spotted, and that’s the fact that the SSID is different to the one that I specified in that text file. Now, no, it hasn’t gone and connected to someone else’s WiFi just completely of its own accord. This is a technical issue that I ran into and it is mentioned on the GitHub as well. It’s to do with the strength of the WiFi signal - so I’ve had to change and connect to a hotspot on my phone because I’m actually quite far from the access point in my studio here, and because the Pi and indeed the PicoMEM are inside an old PC that’s quite a noisy environment as far as RF is concerned - not to mention being a big metal box which isn’t great for WiFi signals - but I’ve got this hotspot up and running now so at least I can demo this, and this also allows us to set a port, which we couldn’t do before we were connected so that’s how we know that we’re connected and up and running - and when we exit the setup utility, we’ve also got on this status screen here, the third bullet point down, we can also see we’ve got the WiFi and it’s telling us that it’s connected and we’ve got the signal strength. So now we can go and load the driver…

…and this driver emulates an NE2000, which is an old Novell network card from the mid ’80s - and it was very, very common, very, very widely supported by loads of different software so you shouldn’t have any compatibility issues with this - a very wise choice - and of course the software suite that most people will be using and indeed, which I’m using in DOS is mTCP so hopefully we can run the “DHCP” command now and get an IP address…

Yep, that’s worked perfectly fine, no problems whatsoever, and indeed that hopefully means that we can ping and check that we’re online.

Yep, there we go, that’s my website there, responding to pings, no problem at all, so we are online, on an XT machine, using WiFi, I mean how cool is that?

Speaking of cool, of course you could use this to FTP to a server on your local network, or indeed on the internet, or basically anything really that you can do on a command line using an internet connection, but I think I’m going to go with the classic here.

If you cast your mind way back to the beginning of this video, you’ll no doubt remember me installing a DAC, or Digital to Analog Converter, on my PicoMEM - and as I mentioned at the time, the reason that I really wanted to do that was because this thing can emulate sound cards - or, as it stands at the moment, more accurately, sound card.

It can emulate an AdLib card, and that’s very exciting because the AdLib was one of the OG sound cards and one of the most iconic of all time - and boy does it do a good job so I’m very keen to show this to you. Now, that means I’m going to have to hook the DAC up to my OSSC here so I can capture the audio from it and at the moment, obviously, the 3.5mm connector for the speakers is internal, it’s inside the PC, which isn’t ideal, so as I’m going to be using this longer term I’m probably going to adapt this bracket and drill a hole in it and add a 3.5mm socket so I can plug some speakers into the back, but I’m running this with the case off today so this will do for now.

And what better game to show off that AdLib support than Prince of Persia of course! I tried a later version of this that supposedly supports EGA, and it’s just not having it on this machine. For some reason, the Atari PC3 claims to be EGA compatible, but it is Atari’s own implementation of that, and I have run into some compatibility issues with some games so we’re gonna have to stick with CGA graphics, but, whatever, it’s still a fantastic game, and, to be honest, all we’re interested in is the sound for this particular test anyway - so let’s see if it works!

A really interesting one, Prince of Persia, because the music comes through the AdLib card, as you’ve just heard, but the sound effects still come through the PC speaker - and it’s been a very long time since I’ve played this - I know you’re supposed to crawl up to that to avoid falling off, but whatever - and just a little bit more of that music for you. Let’s just run into this guy on purpose.

Very good - and again, a similar situation with Commander Keen, I’ve actually played it on my IBM 5150 with the IBM EGA card, no problems whatsoever, but for some reason, the EGA version freezes up on this Atari machine. But again, the important thing is that it supports the AdLib sound. So let’s try this.

…and there we go, as we can see that AdLib card has been detected. So that’s a very good sign.

…and some really excellent music in this game, of course, by Bobby Prince, who went on to do the music for DOOM.

So while we are in the mood for some gaming, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to show off my fifth favourite feature of the PicoMEM, and that is its USB support. Of course, at the heart of the PicoMEM is that Raspberry Pi Pico, and it has that Micro USB port on it that we used to update the firmware at the beginning of the video, but it can also act as a host device - and of course, it’s Micro USB so you will need an on the go adapter or something like that, but you you can plug a hub into it and you can have multiple USB devices connected at once. But in this particular case, I’m using my 8BitDo Arcade Stick and I’ve actually just had to run home and grab this because I was that keen - that “Keen” - get it? To show this to you because this works absolutely flawlessly - there’s no configuration required, obviously you’ve got the standard in-game configuration, you’ve got to switch it to joystick mode or whatever, but as long as this is enabled in that setup utility, it just works as a PC joystick, and the reason I’m using Commander Keen to demo this, not just because it’s one of my favourite games, and one of the best games to demo on these old XT-class systems, but one of the reasons that I have gone with Commander Keen again is because it supports the Gravis Gamepad.

Now, of course, PC joysticks back in the day only supported a maximum of two buttons, but then the Gravis Gamepad came along and it had four buttons, and I’m very pleased to say that that also works because that’s something that was I quite keen on testing. So we’ve got the button for the status, we’ve got jump, of course, we’ve got fire, and we’ve got the pogo stick, quite famously in Commander Keen.

And I’ve been playing this and I mean, it’s a wireless joystick, so you would expect stuff like latency to be a problem. I mean, I use this with my MiSTer system all the time, so I know the latency is very good on this anyway, but for such a slow system and you know, playing an old PC game like this with an arcade stick is such a cool experience - and of course it supports gamepads and everything else as long as they have that XInput support.

So, very, very cool feature and I just wanted to show this to you working. But of course it also supports mice!

So - quick history lesson just before we go into the mouse side of things. The graphical environment that was shipped with the Atari PCs was GEM by Digital Research, and the reason Atari actually used this was because they licensed it from Digital Research for use on the ST of course.

Now the PC version of GEM is a little bit more limited and there is quite an interesting story behind that, and I’ve already covered that in a separate video - also starring this PC - so I’ll link to that down in the description if you’re interested but the important thing is that, of course, it was very rare for a PC of this era to ship with mouse support as standard, but because Atari already had all the bits and pieces in place, including the Atari ST mouse, they actually shipped this with mouse support with GEM as the Graphical User Interface. So this natively uses the Atari mouse. Now, it’s not a great mouse - it’s not going to go down in history as one of the best examples of its kind, but it’s certainly usable, but of course with the PicoMEM we can use a standard USB mouse, and I’m going to demo that now, and I’m going to use GEM to do it, but we’re going to have to exit and make some changes to the way that the drivers are set up.

So I’ve just edited GEM’s startup file just to comment out that Atari mouse driver, and then all we need to do is go into my drivers folder here and run PMMOUSE, which is Freddy’s PicoMEM mouse driver…

…and then we can go back and we can run GEM once more - and I have my Microsoft IntelliMouse USB here, and hopefully this should work with GEM. I wanted something a bit more impressive to demo this, like SimCity or something, but it just doesn’t run on these ancient 8086 CPUs, but there you go. And that… that is smooth. That is nice. I mean, it’s a kind of running away a little bit. I mean, GEM is a little bit janky anyway, but yeah, as you can see, you can use it - it’s quite sensitive, I’m not sure if you can tweak the sensitivity, but it works!

It’s a USB optical mouse working on an XT-class machine - and there is that. Now unfortunately because like I say the PC version of GEM is limited for boring licensing reasons we can’t actually drag these windows around or anything, which is a little bit unfortunat but hopefully that’s proof enough that that works!

That’s all I have for you for this video, thank you ever so much for joining me - and big thanks, I think are in order to Freddy, who initially sent me the PicoMEM for free to review and I liked it so much I actually paid him full price for it - and I’m about to go and order a couple more as well.

They’re available from Texelec in the U.S. and from FlameLily IT in the UK, as well as directly from Freddy in Europe - and of course, plenty of other suppliers and resellers are coming online all the time so I’ll link to those down in the description.

Big thanks, as always, to all of my channel’s supporters, of course, on Ko-Fi, Patreon, and YouTube channel members - and yeah, I think all that’s left is to thank you very much for watching. If you enjoyed the video and want to see some more old computer stuff like this, please do feel free to subscribe to the channel.

That’s all I have. So yeah, thanks - and I’ll hopefully see you next time.

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Relevant Links:
PicoMEM GitHub:
DAC Board:
Maxed Out IBM 5150 Video:
GEM Video:

Where To Buy: Texelec (US):
Flamelily (UK):
Serdashop (EU):
FreddyV (EU):

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