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Installing Linux Like It’s 1999 - Red Hat 6.1


Red Hat Linux 6.1 was released in October 1999, 25 years ago this month! So let’s install it out on period hardware, compare it to modern day Fedora, and see what 25 years of desktop Linux progress looks like.


Installing Linux these days is, quite frankly, a walk in the park - you download an ISO file, you write that file to a USB stick, use that USB stick to boot up your computer into a full fledged desktop environment with 3D acceleration, working internet, working audio, and all the rest of it, you run a very nice streamlined graphical installation program that takes 15-20 minutes tops, reboot the computer, and there you have it, you’re running Linux!

But we’re being repeatedly told by naysayers all over the internet that that isn’t the case - that it’s complicated, that you have to jump into the terminal all the time just to do very basic things, you’re compiling stuff from source, your sound doesn’t work, your networking doesn’t work, and to be honest that hasn’t been my experience for a very long time - so I thought, well, why not go back 25 years to a Linux release from 1999?

So what we have here is Red Hat Linux 6.1. This was released 25 years ago this month in October 1999, and I’m going to be running this on period correct hardware as well - this is a PC from around ‘97 - a Pentium 100 with 16MB of RAM and a 4GB hard drive. It has a Matrox Mystique 220 graphics card in it, Crystal Audio based sound card and a Realtek network card, so it is very much a commodity PC of its time and I think this should give us a very authentic 1999 Linux experience.

And what better way to kick off that authentic ‘99 experience than with a look at the box as you would have picked it up in your local computer shop in 1999? So we have the iconic Red Hat guy here on the front - he probably needs no introduction - and we have some bullet points here: easy graphical installation, 30 day free telephone installation support - and of course that was Red Hat’s big thing back in the day, they offered actual proper commercial Linux support, which was quite unusual at the time.

180 day free priority FTP access, a special workstation bonus pack with popular applications - which I think is what makes this the deluxe release - and powerful web server clustering technology, and we’ll just take a look at the system requirements on the bottom of the box.

So our minimum requirements are an x86 processor - I guess it’s not fussy about which one, so hopefully our Pentium will be more than adequate - a recommended minimum of 16MB of RAM, which we have, and 500MB of hard disk space. Bootable CD-ROM drive - which was quite unusual in ‘99 - this system does have it, which does make life a little bit easier, or a 3.5” floppy drive, and this does come with a boot floppy, which we’ll have a look at in a second - and Red Hat Linux supports most pieces of modern Intel compatible PC hardware.

If you have any questions about your hardware’s compatibility with Red Hat Linux 6.1, please check the hardware compatibility list at

So we’ll just flip over to the back, we’ve got “The award winning Red Hat Linux operating system”, and what we have here is a screenshot of GNOME, oddly enough, “Use the GNOME desktop to manage files, configure PPP, and customize the look and feel to fit your needs” - and when I first started using Linux, back in ‘99, and when I sort of first discovered it and first dabbled with it, I don’t remember GNOME really being a thing - I think it was much more about KDE at the time - so, if they’re recommending GNOME as a default desktop we’ll definitely check that out and see where that started. Of course, that’s used by Ubuntu, and a lot of the big, better known Linux distributions nowadays - so in this box we have a CD with the Red Hat Linux OS source code and enhancements, a workstation bonus pack with hundreds of power tools and over 25 of the most popular applications, a complete installation guide, getting started guide, 180 day free priority FTP access, high availability clustering technology for internet servers - in the box, apparently - and we have some familiar logos here as well:

So this won product of the year from InfoWorld - Red Hat Linux 4, I should say, in 1996 - and then they won product of the year again in ‘97 for Red Hat 5, and then again in ‘98 for 5.2 - and I know for a fact that this release 6.1 won InfoWorld product of the year yet again in ‘99. There you go, we’ve got a Sun Microsystems logo here which evidently was once covered up by a sticker, not quite sure what the story is behind that, Netscape Communicator, we’ve got the GNOME and the KDE logo, and we just have a comparison here of what you get with the various different releases of Red Hat - and I should also point out the RPM logo, the Red Hat Package Manager, which as far as I know is still, is that still used today by kind of the derivatives of this?

Of course, Red Hat was one of the very first kind of fully packaged up commercial Linux offerings: the first release was in May 1995 and it’s still around today in the form of Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux - so, certainly one of the longest running and one of the earliest, kind of, fully packaged up, nice, polished offerings, which is why I’ve decided to go with it for this video.

Anyway, let’s have a look at what’s inside the box.

So we have a manual, a reference guide, quite comprehensive looking. A very nice printed manual with screenshots and things - hopefully we won’t be needing that.

What do we have here? We’ve got the installation guide. Again, very similar, but we’ve just got the steps for - we’ve got partitioning, we’ve got setting up user accounts, all of that kind of stuff - so it might be quite useful.

“Read me first.”

We’ve got the getting started guide, beginner’s information - and again, a really nice put together manual with screenshots and all of the rest of it. So yeah, it’s very, very nice offering they have here - and we have some stickers, which are very cool - so we’ve got some “Powered by Red Hat” stickers, which we can stick on our PC if we decide to stick with Red Hat long term and this big one.

I’m reluctant to stick these on anything cause they are 25 years old and they are quite an interesting piece of history, but stickers were made to be stuck, I guess?

Let me know down in the comments. Maybe I should use those. I’m not quite sure. We have - is this a warranty card here? So yeah, this is just your registration for the priority FTP access and official Red Hat support - so maybe I can try going to the website and registering that now, maybe. Do you think they’ll still accept that?

Probably not - and finally, we have the actual-

Yep, that’s all that’s in the box- We have the actual software itself - so there’s that floppy boot diskette. I’ve already tested this, this disk is actually corrupted - and I did write another one because they’ve included the floppy boot disk images on the CD, which was very thoughtful of them.

But it turns out I don’t need it anyway because this system boots from CD. We have the actual operating system disks here - so there are two of those:

“Red Hat Linux 6.1 operating system for Intel computers.”

We’ve got disc one and disc two - again pushing that priority FTP access - I guess that was for downloading packages and updates and that kind of thing.

You know, the idea of a priority FTP access is quite amusing, isn’t it? Not sure if they had a faster server for registered users with actual logins or what - I’m not quite sure what the story is behind that, but we also have this supplemental CD, which I believe is part of this Deluxe Pack - so we’ve got the “Linux applications and library resource guide” and “Third party workstation applications and power tools applications”, as mentioned on the box.

And of course, this wasn’t the only way to get hold of Red Hat Linux - it’s open source, it was freely available, you could go to various other vendors who would quite legally burn this to CDs, but you wouldn’t get the support with that, of course - and also you wouldn’t get the nice printed manuals and things.

And interestingly enough, Red Hat didn’t actually start offering downloadable ISO files that you could burn yourself until 6.2, which was April 2000 - and of course that was the release after this one - so if you wanted a proper official copy of Red Hat, this was the way to do it - go to your local computer shop and buy one of these boxes.

But I think that’s enough talking about the box and about the installation media and the manuals and things - let’s get on and actually install this thing.

But first, a quick thank you to the sponsor of this video,! PCBWay has been providing PCB fabrication and other related services for 10 whole years now, and they’ve also recently started offering 3D printing, CNC machining, and injection moulding. So if that sounds like your kind of bag, please do check out their link in the description below, and again, a big thank you to PCBWay for sponsoring this video.

Now - on with the installation.

Ah, excellent - so looks like that CD boot’s working, that’s gone straight in so no problems at all there. Look at this: “Welcome to Red Hat Linux 6.1. To install or upgrade a system running Red Hat Linux 2.0 or later in graphical mode, press the enter key.”

Then we’ve got a text mode option - so we need to type “text” - and there’s also an expert mode. We’re not going to try the expert mode today, let’s go with the default - I think what I’m just going to do is just hit enter.

So two things that should be familiar to any modern day Linux user - we’ve got initrd.img, we’ve got vmlinuz.

I saw something pop up there about a Pentium bug…

[A few minutes later]

“Welcome to Red Hat Linux. This installation process is outlined in detail in the official Red Hat Linux installation guide available from Red Hat Software. If you have access to the manual, you should read the installation section before continuing.” Yep, I’ve definitely read that…

Yep, like I said before, we’ll go with GNOME because that’s what’s recommended on the box, and we might check out KDE a little bit later on as well.

So this is our hard drive partitioning tool - not quite as user friendly as they are nowadays - it’s detected that there’s a Windows 95 FAT32 partition on here, so can we just delete that?

“Do you want to delete this?” “Yes.”


Mount point…

So we’ll go with a 32MB swap partition because that’s double the size of the RAM and I think that was what was recommended back in the day - I should probably read the manual - so we’ll go for the mount point / and we’ll just fill the rest of the disk with just a Linux native partition and hopefully that will be sufficient.

“Low memory.” “As you don’t have much memory in this machine, we need to turn on swap space immediately. To do this, we’ll have to write your new partition table to the disk immediately. Is that okay?”

Why not.


Yes, we do have DHCP here, so we’ll go for that. Does this mean that it’s detected the network card? That’s interesting.

Yep, we have a generic two button mouse. “Emulate 3 buttons?” Why not?

“Which device is your mouse located on?” So that’s COM1 under DOS.

Time zone… Europe, isn’t it? Europe. EU, Europe… Slash… London.


“You must type it twice to ensure you know what it is and didn’t make a mistake in typing. Remember that the root password is a critical part of system security.”

“You should have a normal user account”

That’s interesting because I know some of these earlier Linux distributions tended to just run everything as root, so it’s interesting that even in ‘99 Red Hat was recommending setting up a separate normal user account.

“Reading package information.”

“Video card: Matrox Mystique,” that is correct. X Server: SVGA, OK.

“A complete log of your installation will be in install.log after rebooting”, that’s fine…

Okay, so we’re a few minutes in now, everything seems to be installing okay - I’ve had some familiar package names flash up in front of me - so we’ve had XFree86, we’ve had awk, we’ve had grep, we’ve had sed, the GNU autoconf tools, all of that stuff that should be familiar to anyone who knows Linux.

We’ve got desktop backgrounds installing at the moment - and this is really nice - so we have our time elapsed and our time remaining, so it looks like it’s going to take about 40 minutes in total. To be honest, I don’t think that’s bad at all, from CD to an IDE hard drive on an older system like this.

So yeah, I guess I will sit back for the next 30 minutes, and I’ll see you on the other side!

“What type of monitor do you have? If you would rather specify the sync frequencies of your monitor, choose custom from the list.” I would rather not do that, no.

What kind of monitor is this? Is there a generic option?

I mean, it’s a generic monitor - It’s actually a Shin Ho something or other, but that isn’t on the list - so, let’s go with Generic Monitor.

“Probe the video card for best video mode, colour depth possible for the system. There is a chance this could lock up the system.” Let’s probe it.

“XConfigurator will run the X Server you’ve selected to probe various information about your video card.” Okay.

“There was an error probing the clocks on your video card.” Oh dear. “You should try configuring the video card manually.”

“How much video memory do you have?”

I think it’s 2MB. Yes, 2MB. Okay…

“Which clockchip do you have?” What on earth!?

“No clockchip setting (recommended).” Okay.

“Do you want to run X -probeonly now?”

Let’s go for it.

“Clock probe failed - configuration will proceed using default values.”

“Select the video modes you would like to use. You should select at least one of the elements below.”

Let’s pick the ones that I think will work with this monitor…



“Can you see this message?”

Yes, I don’t have a mouse though.

“XConfigurator can set up your computer to automatically start X upon booting.” Yes, we want that.

Oh, we’ve got some nice corruption there - but anyway, “Congratulations, installation is complete. Remove the boot media and press return to reboot.”

I’ll have my CD back please!

It didn’t use the second CD.

LILO boot… Loading Linux, here we go - so of course, LILO, nowadays modern Linux distributions use a bootloader called grub, but the one that came before that was LILO, the LInux LOader - I remember it well.

Look at this - and again, this is stuff that should be familiar to anyone using Linux nowadays, if you press escape to disable the splash screen that most modern distributions have, you will no doubt be familiar with all of this - so that’s really cool.

We have an X server! This is very good.

Red Hat!

“Welcome to Tiny.”

Mouse still not working - I may have specified the wrong port for that, to be fair.

“Enlightenment starting.”

[A little longer than a few minutes later]

That’s Red Hat Linux 6.1 successfully installed on our lovely Pentium PC here, and I thought, just before we go ahead and start poking around, let’s talk a little bit about that installation process. So, it took just under 50 minutes in total, something like 46, 47 minutes, which, I think is perfectly acceptable compared to something like Windows 98 on this same hardware I think it’s in the same ballpark - so certainly no complaints there.

One thing that I did like was the fact that it all installed from the first CD - I guess if I’d gone into that expert mode and picked some extra packages, then it would have asked for additional CDs. But it’s actually really nice to know that in 1999 you could have installed a full fledged Linux desktop just using the one CD, which evidently is by design and I think was a very smart move on Red Hat’s part.

As for the slightly more technical aspects of the installation, of course there was that hard drive partitioning tool, which is a little bit fiddly. I’ve used similar things in the past so it didn’t take me too long to get my head around it, but as a first time user in 1999, I think that huge manual would have come in very, very handy so there’s that.

Later on there were those questions about the X Windows Server - about XFree86 - questions about the graphics card and the monitor, refresh rates, video RAM, all of that kind of stuff. That’s all stuff that you don’t need to worry about at all in Windows - you just install the right drivers and it all works so that also would have been a bit confusing to anyone installing this in ‘99. But hey, it looks like it found something that actually worked and I think it’s running in quite a low resolution - so I want to see if I can do something about that - but ultimately we did get a working X server out of it so I can’t really fault it there.

Now… Unfortunately, it’s not all good news - and I’m afraid to report that this is where the stereotypical late ’90s Linux problems start - so networking… Doesn’t work. It just hangs forever trying to bring up eth0 on boot - I’m not sure if that’s a hardware problem or if it’s not getting the response that it’s expecting from the DHCP server.

And yep, you guessed it, the sound doesn’t work either. It wasn’t automatically starting the sound server on startup, so I enabled that, and still no sound so evidently it’s not recognised the sound card, which, to be honest, was quite typical at the time, and is something else that I’d like to have a look into.

And our third and final problem - was actually my fault. That was the mouse, and I did actually recently take the motherboard out of this, and it seems I’ve accidentally connected the COM ports up the wrong way around - so yeah, that’s all on me. I swapped it over, and I’ve used a 25 pin adapter, and the mouse is actually working now so we can’t blame Red Hat Linux for that. But I don’t want to record the whole debugging process trying to get this stuff working, so what I’m going to do now is I’m going to go away, I’m going to try to fix these problems off camera, come up with some kind of solution, and I’ll hopefully See you again in a moment.

A moment has passed and I am back - as promised! Well, at least a moment has passed for you, it’s been slightly longer for me - so I was here at the studio for probably another hour or so last night just working through some of those issues and I’m back today to commit some of this stuff to camera - so why is the lid off of this PC?

Well, it’s the mouse issue - the COM port issue - it was really bothering me, I know it doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things, but the ports are labelled on the back and they were the wrong way around and it was keeping me awake at night - so I’ve swapped those two connectors around, so that’s all fine now.

But there is another reason I wanted to take the lid off of this PC, and that was to upgrade the RAM - so Red Hat Linux 6.1, as we saw on the box, states that the minimum RAM is 16MB, and indeed it does boot to the desktop and you can run stuff, and it does work with 16MB of RAM, but it’s quite sluggish, it does swap a lot - I don’t think that’s due to that swap partition being 32MB, it turns out that that’s actually plenty big enough - it’s just the fact that it’s swapping in the first place - so I had some 72 pin sims here at the studio, decided to upgrade it slightly - so this has gone from 16MB to 64MB.

Now I could have maxed it out to 128MB, but I don’t think that’s a very realistic setup for 1999, I think that would have been very expensive and very extravagant - just in the interest of openness and transparency - I don’t want people to think that I’m trying to mislead you into thinking that it runs better than it does on 16MB so, yeah, I’ve upgraded it to 64MB, and to be honest, by the time this PC was two years old in 1999, that’s probably what the original owner would have done anyway, just to eek a little bit more life out of it so I don’t think that’s unrealistic.

So with that little win in our back pocket let’s tackle some of the actual issues at hand here - and the first one that I want to have a look at is the screen resolution thing - and for that, I’m going to have to log in as root.

On a modern Linux system, you would just type “sudo” before the command, and that would of course run it as the root user, but evidently it’s not in Red Hat 6.1, at least that I can find - so we just have to log in at a terminal, but that’s perfectly fine - and the command that we’re going to run is “xf86config” - and this is a script, or a wizard I guess, which generates the XF86Config file.

…and now we want to set the specifications of the monitor - so this is just informational, this isn’t a question, just skip past that - and I’ve experimented with some of these. I don’t have a manual for this monitor, I don’t really know what the specs of it are, but I found that option 6 works because specifically I want to run this at 1024x768 at 60Hz, which this monitor seems to be quite happy with, so we’ll pick that as our option, and because I want to run it at 60Hz I’m going to choose 50-70 as the vertical sync range for the monitor - and now it’s asking about video card specific settings - and do I want to look at the video card database? So my card is indeed in the database, it’s a Matrox Mystique 220 - so we’ll say yes to that.

And then we can just go through the list until we get to M - and of course, I’ve been through this a few times already, so I know what number it is, but I’ll just demonstrate this - and the number, funnily enough, is 404 for the Matrix Mystique - graphics card not found - so there you go, what are the chances?

So I’ll just type in 404 and that will load up the correct config for our card which uses the mga1064sg kernel module as its driver.

[A few minutes later]

Okay, so these are our supported screen resolutions based on the information that we’ve just entered - and I think this is why it was running at such a low resolution before because it will actually load them up in order - so it will actually boot up at 640x480, and then you have to press ctrl-alt-+ to cycle through the different resolutions, which I wasn’t aware of. I think later releases of GNOME and KDE actually added this as a control panel setting but it’s not in this early version of GNOME.

So we need to go through and define which modes we want to use, and so we just go in and “Please type the digits corresponding to the modes that you want to select. For example, 432 selects 1024x768, 800x600, and 640x480, with a default mode of 1024x768” so I’m just going to go with 432.

Do we want a virtual screen? Now this actually means that the desktop is bigger than the screen resolution and you can scroll around it by dragging the mouse to the edge of the screen - I did enable this before and it’s horrible, I hate it, so I’m going to say no to this - and something else that’s just worth pointing out is that there is some ever so slight graphical corruption that you can see here and I believe that this is because I actually already have X running in a different virtual terminal - if that’s not running, that doesn’t happen - so I don’t know if it’s something to do with graphics card memory or what, but anyway, I’ll go through and I’ll set these and then it should all be sorted…

…and finally, it asks if we just want to write the XF86Config file now, which of course we want to do - so we’ll just answer yes to that - and that’s it, that’s the X Window System configured - so, it does say here that we can type “startx” to start it up, but to be honest, I’m just going to reboot the computer - it doesn’t take that long and it means we’re starting from a nice clean slate.

Oh yes! And it is loading so much quicker with that extra RAM as well, so that was well worth doing. This looks really nice and sharp on this monitor, which to be honest probably isn’t coming across on camera so you’ll have to take my word for it - and the good news is that my capture device seems really happy with this configuration as well, so definitely happy with this!

…and not only does it look great, but performance is night and day compared to before the RAM upgrade as well which is great to see - I didn’t really get any footage of the before so I can’t really show you but you’ll have to take my word for it, this is just so nice and snappy now!

Right, now let’s take a look at this networking issue - so, what I’ve had to do here is start up in interactive startup mode so I can actually choose which things I want to run at startup - so we have kudzu, that’s just a hardware change detection thing - so I’ll let that run, that doesn’t cause any problems and doesn’t take too long…

…and thankfully our problematic option here is only the second one on the list which makes it nice and easy to skip. But yeah, it’s “network” and at the moment if I let that run it basically just hangs as demonstrated trying to bring up eth0 so unfortunately we’re having to skip that for now, but I have actually come up with a fix. Anyway, we can just continue with the rest of startup as it usually goes and then we’ll need to drop to a terminal once more - as root - and see if we can sort out this problem.

So here is our current problem: if we go “ifconfig eth0”, that interface hasn’t been initialised, so it’s not currently showing an IP address. Now, here’s the interesting thing, because this is configured to use DHCP, and if I just type in “ifup eth0”, this is essentially what happens during startup - so it comes up saying “Determining IP information for eth0” and I’ve left this for five, ten minutes and it literally just sits here doing nothing. It’s not supposed to take that long, it’s supposed to take a couple of seconds so evidently something isn’t quite right here, but here’s the interesting thing: if I cancel that with ctrl-c and then we go back to ifconfig the interface is actually initialized, it does have an IP address now - and here’s the really interesting thing:

DNS is working too - so something strange is happening here! Now, I don’t think this is to do with the DHCP server itself - I have Windows 3.11 systems here, I’ve got Windows 95 systems, I’ve even got ancient XT class machines running mTCP, which quite happily pick up their config from that DHCP server so I think this is something specific to this version of Red Hat and this particular network - I’m not really sure what’s going on, I’m not an expert on networking - but the solution that I’ve come up with is essentially:

This version of Red Hat has a tool called “linuxconf” - and then we can go in and configure the networking settings in a slightly more graphical way. You can do this by editing config files and stuff, but why bother when we have a proper tool here? So the IP address that we were given was 10.69.69 - I must say it wasn’t me that set up the network at this office, so don’t blame me for that IP address range - and then we’ll just set our netmask as well, although I don’t think that’s particularly important for our purposes - and then we can accept that…

…and we activate the changes - and now after a reboot hopefully we’re just checking for new hardware and the next thing should be networking so we’ve got the loopback interface we’ve got eth0 straight past as expected so we now have working networking!

And so, with those issues resolved, it’s now time for the final boss: the sound card! The reason many a plucky young Linux adventurer gave up on their dreams in the late ’90s and early 2000s - because sound on Linux was a bit of a pain back in those days, to put it lightly. Of course, this system predates ALSA, the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture, by a few years - it’s running OSS, the Open Sound System, which was the predecessor to that, and to make our lives even more difficult, this is an ISA plug and play card as well. It’s a Crystal Audio card - and the Linux kernel didn’t actually get native plug and play support until 2.4 - and this is a 2.2 kernel - so yeah, this should be fun! But first up, let’s just double check that it’s definitely not working.

So we’ll go into multimedia and then the audio mixer - and yes, look, we have an error here:

“No mixers found. Make sure you have sound support compiled into the kernel.” Oh dear, are we going to have to recompile a kernel here!? Well, there is a tool that we can try that was provided by Red Hat - and for that, we do need to drop down to a terminal once more, so let’s do that.

And this tool is called “sndconfig” - so let’s run that.

“sndconfig is a configuration tool for sound cards. A probe will now be performed for any plug and play cards that will be automatically configured.”

Let’s go! “A plug and play sound card was found in your system. The details are: Crystal CS4236.” That’s correct.

“There’s already a file called isapnp.conf, that file will be renamed.” Okay.

“There’s already a file called conf.modules.” Okay.

“A sound sample will now be played to determine if your sound card has been correctly configured.”

[Hello, this is Linus Torvalds and I pronounce Linux as Linux.]

Oh… yes.

“A MIDI sample will now be played to determine if your sound card’s synth has been correctly configured.”

Oh. “Were you able to hear the sample?” Yes.

Err.. OK, let’s reboot!

…and we’re back, so let’s check out that audio mixer once more. Oh! We have a little dingy ding noise there when we click on stuff - and yes, here we go, GMIX 3.0, we’re showing all of our audio channels here - and we have actual mixer controls for them - so that all looks and sounds very promising! So let’s check out a game. Let’s go for GNibbles.

Gnome Nibbles - and you know what this is, don’t you? Let’s start a new game.

I mean, there we go, the proof is in the pudding, that’s sound, working in Red Hat Linux 6.1 from 1999!

This is what 25 years of progress looks like: Red Hat Linux 6.1 from October 1999, next to its modern day equivalent Fedora 40, which we have installed on this laptop right here. An install that took a couple of days to get up and running and to debug, versus one that took about 10 minutes.

How times have changed - and yet, those basic underpinnings of Linux were all so familiar to me, someone who uses Linux on a regular basis in their day job - and I’m not going to try and claim that debugging those issues was easy, and it would have been even more difficult back in ‘99, of course, without all of those years and years of knowledge that I’ve accumulated, as well as access to modern day search engines and the modern day internet.

But yeah, it just goes to show that actually, they got it pretty much right 25 years ago, and things have only improved from there - and that certainly wasn’t the point that I set out to prove when I went into this video - I thought this was going to be- it was either going to all work perfectly, or it was going to be incredibly painful and I’d basically have to end up abandoning the whole thing, but it turns out we’ve met somewhere in the middle, which is nice.

But anyway, that’s enough waffling - so this video is quite long as it is, and as you’ve probably noticed, I haven’t even gotten around to exploring all of the software that’s included with Red Hat Linux 6.1 - of course, it comes with those four CDs, and it would be nice to have a look at those original desktop environments and compare them to their modern day counterparts as well.

So I’m going to spin that off into a part two, so make sure you are subscribed to the channel so you don’t miss that. Thank you ever so much to all of my channel supporters on Patreon, Ko-Fi, and indeed my YouTube Channel Members - and thank you ever so much to you for watching - so, I’ll see you in part two!

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